Bio ❖ Harry Fricker

Harry Fricker Bio


Harry Fricker MA (Image & Communication, Goldsmiths), with 20+ years experience in Photography Education & Freelance Photojournalist, establishes Diorama Days as a way of connecting people with their passion for photography.

Diorama Days organises Landscape Photography Holidays & Workshops across National Parks & Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Cornwall and Devon.  Set in stunning locations, the outdoor experiences are tailored to inspire your creativity and enhance your camera skills.

Open to photographers at all levels, with no need for sophisticated equipment.  Enjoy bespoke learning within a group of up to four participants.  Harry has a constructive mentoring spirit that will enable you to advance your practice.  Ideal for solo travellers, with no single supplement and great value for couples.

Diorama Days is a Cornish creative business centred around enjoying natural beauty and healthy outdoor lifestyles.

Our experiences are underpinned by ethical and sustainable approaches that respect heritage, tradition and culture, support the local economy and have a low impact on Nature.

Harry starts the day with black espresso coffee, shops local seasonal wholefoods, cooks from scratch and loves chillies. He is passionate for being outdoors, healthy living and lifelong learning.

Photography Holidays Cornwall & Devon Tours & Workshops

❖ Well Seasoned Traveller   Europe & Latin America
❖ Fluent English & Spanish Conversational French & Italian
❖ Loves Road Trips, Adventure & Meeting People

❖ The Victoria & Albert Museum   World’s Leading Museum Of Art & Design
❖ The Guardian
  British Daily Newspaper & Website
❖ City Limits   London’s Alternative Event Listings & Arts Magazine
❖ Time Out
  London’s Premiere Entertainment Listings Guide
❖ Reflex Picture Agency   Picture Editor
❖ Friends of the Earth   Environmental Organisation

❖ MA (Master of Arts) Image & Communication   Goldsmiths College   University of London
❖ Postgraduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education   Coventry University
❖ Higher National Diploma Documentary Photography   Newport College   Wales
❖ National Diploma Photography   Paddington College   London

❖ Authored First Digital Photography Access Course in the UK 1996
❖ Nominee of The Times Higher Education Awards
❖ Exhibition Curator
❖ Featured Exhibitor of Photography
❖ Coordinator of National & International Conferences
❖ Ambassador on Overseas Exchange Programmes in Spain, China, Trinidad & Tobago
❖ Lecturer Higher Education   Postgraduate & Undergraduate Programmes
❖ Lecturer Further Education   A Level   GCSE
❖ Successful record of Adult Learners Progressing Into Higher Education

JULY 2022
❖ Accepted onto the Cultivator Creative and Cultural Leadership Development programme, organised by Cultivator Cornwall and the University of Plymouth Knowledge Exchange.
❖ This exciting programme will enable me to reach out to organisations and individuals with the view of exchanging knowledge and expertise towards nurturing novel initiatives promoting Arts & Culture across Cornwall.

Landscape Photography Holidays Workshops Tours Harry Fricker Diorama Days

Diorama, from Ancient Greek   ‘through that which is seen

The name Diorama Days, is a nod to the medium preceding the invention of Photography.  Invented in 1822, The Diorama consisted of translucent painted backdrops, lit in such a way as to create the illusion of time and movement on a realistic landscape.  The fleeting images of the Diorama proved to be immensely popular. The first immersive media experience, before photography, cinema, radio and television, gave audiences the feeling they were transported into the landscape.  Driven by the success of The Diorama, its inventor went on to develop a way of permanently fixing light onto a surface.  Thus announcing the invention of Photography in 1839.  The new technology evolved over the last two centuries, becoming ubiquitous across Culture & Society, and shaping our view of the world.   The spirit of The Diorama lives on!

To learn more about The Diorama click on the links below.

Resurrecting an Illusion: Last Surviving Daguerre Diorama Restored

Biography of Louis Daguerre, Inventor of Daguerreotype Photography

Landscape Photography Holidays Workshops Tours Harry Fricker Diorama Days

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